Human trafficking, a modern-day form of slavery, devastates countless lives across the United States, including the state of Texas which ranks #2. 

What is Human Trafficking

Defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through force, fraud, or coercion, human trafficking affects individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. 

Human trafficking, a modern-day form of slavery, devastates countless lives across the United States, including the state of Texas which ranks #2. 

The impact of human trafficking extends far beyond its victims, permeating communities and undermining the fabric of society. From forced labor in industries such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality to the exploitation of individuals in the sex trade, the consequences of trafficking are profound and pervasive. Victims endure physical and psychological trauma, loss of autonomy, and profound violations of their human rights.

Additionally, human trafficking fuels criminal enterprises, perpetuates cycles of violence and poverty, and erodes the moral and ethical foundations of society. Addressing this complex issue requires a multi-faceted approach, including increased awareness, robust law enforcement efforts, victim support services, and collaboration across sectors to combat this heinous crime and safeguard vulnerable populations.

Human trafficking is the second largest and fastest growing crime worldwide.

Human trafficking produces over $150billion in revenue annually $99billion from commercial trade.

  • Cases in the US have more than double between 2015 to date

  • 40% of traffic victims are African American

  • 18% of defendants charge in trafficking were Black

  • 92% of these defendants were male

  • Over 400 teens and womxn are trafficked in Dallas each night

Here from our founder

Glowing Home officially launched August 12, 2024. Our founder Cherye Michelle sends a message of compassion and thanks.